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Launching Soon

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DocLife Success Circle

DocLife Success Circle is an online, subscription-based group coaching program, designed to provide support, resources, and a virtual community for doctoral students at every phase of their journey.

Hosted on the Circle community platform, DocLife will launch in early 2024.

If you are a current doctoral student seeking additional support, accountability, and connection, join the waitlist to be notified as soon as DocLife goes live.

Why Join DocLife?

This group coaching program for doctoral students offers a multifaceted support system that addresses academic, emotional, and professional needs. The collaborative and enriching environment provided by DocLife can significantly enhance a student's chances of success and well-being throughout their doctoral journey.

Pursuing a doctoral degree is a demanding and challenging journey, and a group coaching program can offer invaluable assistance in navigating the complexities of this academic pursuit.

Here are some compelling reasons why a doctoral student might consider signing up for DocLife Success Circle:

  • Academic Guidance: A group coaching program can provide specialized support in navigating the academic aspects of a doctoral program, including research methodologies, literature reviews, and thesis/dissertation writing.

    Emotional Support: The doctoral journey can be isolating and stressful. Being part of a supportive community allows students to share experiences, challenges, and successes, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

  • Expert Advice: Group coaching programs often involve experienced mentors or facilitators who can offer expert guidance based on their own successful doctoral experiences.

    Resource Sharing: Participants can share resources, strategies, and tips, creating a collaborative environment that enhances the overall learning experience.

  • Goal Setting: The program may include structured goal-setting activities that help students define and work towards their academic and personal objectives.

    Peer Accountability: Regular check-ins with a supportive group can foster accountability, motivating students to stay on track with their research and academic milestones.

  • Professional Development: Group coaching can offer workshops and sessions focused on developing crucial skills such as time management, effective communication, and academic writing—skills essential for success in academia and beyond.

    Networking Opportunities: Interacting with fellow doctoral students provides opportunities for networking, collaboration, and potential future professional partnerships.

  • Wellness Focus: Many programs recognize the importance of holistic well-being. They may include sessions on stress management, work-life balance, and maintaining mental health throughout the doctoral journey.

  • Peer Learning: Engaging with a diverse group of peers exposes students to different perspectives and approaches, enriching their understanding of various academic disciplines and research approaches.

    Long-Term Connections: Building a strong community during the doctoral program can lead to lasting connections, providing a support system even beyond the completion of the degree.

Interested in supporting DocLife Success Circle as a mentor, coach, workshop facilitator, or sponsor?

Benefits of DocLife Success Circle

Meet Your DocLife Coach

Dr. Tiffany

Dr. Tiffany Wiggins (she/her) is the CEO and Principal of Noire Coaching & Consulting. As a ICF-certified life and academic coach, Dr. Tiffany not only designed DocLife Success Circle, but will also be serving as the primary coach and guide to DocLife members.

Dr. Tiffany earned her PhD in Educational Leadership - Higher Education from Old Dominion University, and is a dedicated mentor, coach, advisor, and professor to doctoral students across the country.

She’s excited to work collaboratively with DocLife members to offer resources, support, and community to doctoral students at every phase of the journey!

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