Group Coaching
Noire Coaching & Consulting offers Group Coaching services. Group coaching involves a professional coach working with a small group of individuals towards achieving their personal or professional goals. During these sessions, the coach acts as a facilitator, guiding the group through a series of interactive discussions and exercises that are designed to promote learning and growth.
Group coaching sessions are typically 90 minutes and take place weekly in a 4- or 6-week series. Group coaching sessions are typically topic-, identity-, experience, or goal-specific. Start by scheduling an introductory call to determine what’s best for you!
More to know about Group Coaching…
Sense of community among participants: By working together towards a common goal, group members can develop a sense of camaraderie and mutual support that can be invaluable in helping them to overcome obstacles and achieve success.
Accountability: Being part of a group can help individuals stay accountable to their goals and commitments. The group provides a sense of community and support that can motivate individuals to take action and stay on track.
Shared learning: Group coaching allows individuals to learn from each other's experiences, challenges, and successes. It creates a platform for group members to share their knowledge and insights, which can benefit the entire group.
Diverse perspectives: A group of individuals from different backgrounds and experiences can bring diverse perspectives to the coaching process. This can lead to a deeper understanding of the issues at hand and more creative solutions.
Support and encouragement: Group coaching can provide a supportive and encouraging environment for individuals to share their challenges and receive feedback and support from both the coach and the other group members.
Most group coaching sessions are comprised of 5 - 10 people.
Noire Coaching and Consulting creates a schedule of group coaching series that individuals can sign-up for and participate in. The group coaching series are identity-, experience-, or topic-focused to ensure that the participants are all working toward similar goals and can provide a supportive sense of community for al involved.
NCC clients can also propose group coaching focus areas for consideration.
Absolutely! Perhaps you are manager or leader of an existing team or group that could benefit from group coaching services. Noire Coaching & Consulting will work with you to create a group coaching series that will support the individuals, while also working toward the shared goal.