Welcome to the Noire Life…Let’s Move Forward!

A Black woman-owned coaching and consulting practice that centers and supports the specific needs, diverse experiences, and unique perspectives of its community.

The N.O.I.R.E. approach.

Navigating Our Identities, Resources, and Experiences

Noire is the feminine French word for the color Black. The color Black is beautifully complex, and often misunderstood. It is versatile, yet dominant; associated with darkness, while exuding sophistication and authority. It’s lack of hue can evoke both fear and opulence. Noire is multi-dimensional, yet simplistic; however, it is not lacking nor insufficient.

All of us live complex, whole lives that deserve care, intention, and nurturing.

Noire Coaching & Consulting aims to provide a safe and affirming space for everyone—a space where clients can explore their unique needs, desired goals, and the necessary resources to achieve a full & fulfilling life. By centering the experiences of those from historically oppressed communities, everyone who engages with Noire Coaching & Consulting benefits from its practice.

Noire services.


Engaging one-on-one with a coach can help you clarify your goals, identify any obstacles holding you back, and support you in coming up with strategies to overcome challenges and move toward to success - however you define it.


Group coaching is a powerful tool for individuals looking to grow, learn, and connect with others. Group coaching involves a small group of like-minded individuals working together with a coach towards a common goal.


Individuals, families, and organizations all benefit from working with consultants who will work directly with them to create something new, figure out a solution, and/or get direct support on a project or initiative.

Personal + Professional Development

Partner with the consulting team at Noire Coaching & Consulting to design, facilitate, and evaluate workshops, presentations, or trainings that will transform your staff, team, students, or community.

“With a to-do list longer than a CVS receipt, and everything seemingly more important than the next, [Dr. Tiffany’s] guidance supported my organization and prioritized what needed to get done first and foremost.

Though she guided the process, I never felt without a voice and always felt that every decision made was my decision. I leave our sessions with a renewed sense of empowerment.”


Take the next step - move toward a life reimagined